Piccola Università Italiana
Largo Antonio Pandullo 6
89861 Tropea, Italia


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News > Studentenecho

Tanti Saluti dall’Irlanda (dove la pioggia non si mai ferma). Please forgive me for writing in English, but I must still work some more on my Italian to be able to express myself better.

I want to reiterate again how much I enjoyed the course, the ambience of the school and the classes with the teachers who were truly great (and to whom I must still write in Italian).


Needless to say it would not have been like this if it was not for your and Antonio’s complete involvement in the affairs of the school and those of the students.


impressions from Thomas Juszak: the view from the kitchenThank you both again. It is incredible how quickly holidays moments erase themselves from memory. After nearly two weeks at work the time spent in Tropea seems like a distant past now. I think that Irish weather contributes to the post-holiday blues. Since we’ve been back it has been raining a lot and the temperature does not go beyond 15-16 degrees. I have not yet revisited my notes taken during the classes but I promised myself to do so fairly soon and definitely to continue studying Italian at the Italian Cultural Institute in Dublin.


impressions from Thomas Juszak: the living roomI do not think I really mentioned to you how much we liked the apartment where we were staying. Its spaciousness combined with the spectacular view and lovely pieces of original furniture and wall decorations all enhanced the true Italian living experience at its best.

I attach few photo impressions on the subject. I think that just a view from your kitchen window can be beautiful – in Tropea! Please give our best regards to Antonio!

 impressions from Thomas Juszak: the city of Tropea

 Greetings from Anna, Aleksandra and Thomas


Thomas is working as an architect at:

écrit par Thomas Juszczak sur 01.12.2008 à 19:30 .