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This is a very important day, because before March 17, 1861 the Italians were not a people.
Italy was divided into several states under foreign rule, had its own language and its own culture, but was not yet a nation. The only state not controlled by foreigners was the state of the House of Savoy, today Piedmont, with Carlo Alberto I and Vittorio Emanuele II, who played a crucial role in the unification. The largest states were:
• in the South: The Kingdom of the Two Sicilies under the Bourbons
• in the Centre: The Papal States under the Pope
• in North-east: The region of Lombardo Veneto under the Austrians
• in the Northwest: The Kingdom of Sardinia with the state of the house of Savoy
The first real spark to the process of unification was emitted in 1848. Italy started to fight a war and to fight for their independence. This process was not quick but lasted many years.
Cavour, Garibaldi, Mazzini and Mameli were the main protagonists of this story and all the people with them.
Famous is "The expedition of the Thousand" (I Mille) led by Garibaldi (1067 men and one woman). The expedition set sail on the night of May 5, to May 6 1860 from a rock in Quarto, a district of Genoa. The objectives were to land in Sicily and support the insurgency, back up to Naples, oust the Bourbons and head toward Naples.
5 ships landed at Marsala on May 11 and on May 15 they defeated the army of the Bourbons at Calatafimi, then went to Palermo and on July 20 they were granted a great victory in Milazzo and did indeed gain control of the island. Garibaldi then went to Naples via Calabria. March 17, 2011 remembers all men who suffered, fought and died for their country. Their sacrifice enabled and allows the Italians to live a better life.
The flag, the most evident symbol of freedom and national identity, with its 3 color expresses a common hope for unity and independence (green), faith in the ideals (white) and the blood shed for the homeland (red).
However, the most poetic memory was when we listened to and sang together "THE SONG OF THE ITALIANS" which is the anthem of Italy. Over the years, the anthem has been interpreted in various ways, a very moving version was the one from Roberto Begnini, who sang the anthem "a capella" during the festival of San Remo:
Roberto Benigni - Fratelli D'Italia : Inno di... di maxxxuccio
In our opinion being Italian today means to be aware and to be proud of the past, face the future with vigor and enthusiasm and recognize the unity and to be aware of the beauty and culture that we are fortunate to have.
We all at the Piccola Università Italiana consider ourselves to be ambassadors of Italian culture and Italian language every day!