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Weather in February in Calabria - News of the Italian language school in Italy


.....there's always something happening at the Piccola Universita Italiana...

Here you can find all news and interesting articles about our Italian language school, Italian language courses, extra curricular activities in Tropea and other novelties from our programme.

... with ideal leisure program - at the seaside and on the slopes

The weather in Calabria is also especially mild during the winter months , but the temperatures during the last weekend were possibly record-breaking.

On Saturday, 5th of February our students limited their leisure time acitivities on sunbathing at a temperature of 27 degrees (= 80,60 Fahrenheit), as the thermometer at the pharmacy in Tropea confirms.

Summer temperatures in winter in Tropea


On Sunday, 6th of February our Italian language school by the sea organized a skiing excursion to the Sila mountains. Of course, the slopes are not very large, but the scenery and natural wonders were still worth getting up early to enjoy a beautiful day in the Calabrian mountains at 1650 meters.

Ski lift in Sila Schüler unsere Italienisch Sprachschule beim Skifahren atemberaubendes Panorama im Sila Gebirge


... a perfect weekend in Calabria!

Find out more about leisure time activities at our Italian language school by the sea by clicking on the following link:
written by Simone Rainer on 09.02.2011 at 15:34 .