Italian plus ART

Piccola Università Italiana - Le Venezie - Culture and Dolce Vita
Piccola Università Italiana - Tropea - The Italian language school by the sea

Are you interested in art and culture? With our professionally conducted Italian courses we offer you the possibility to specialise in Italian literature, Italian comtemporary history, Italian music history, Italian art history, Italian opera, or Italian history of architecture.

If you would like to combine either these special Italian language courses with focus on culture or a standard Italian language course with an artistic activity, then you've come to the right place!

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Our language school's weekly programme is very versatile and already offers a colourful and diversified cultural programme. Classical music concerts as well as excursions with cultural focus are a regular occurence at our school.

Italian plus art courses are a new feature at the Italian language school by the sea, here artistic activities can be participated in or learned. These programmes are held in collaboration with reliable and professional service partners.


The following Italian plus ART courses are a standard part of our course programme.

a) Italian plus PAINTING (oil colours, water colours, and/or pottery painting
b) Italian plus MUSIC (piano, clarinet, violin)


Click the corresponing link to find out more about the courses.