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News of the Italian language school in Italy

News: Archive

.....there's always something happening at the Piccola Universita Italiana...

Here you can find all news and interesting articles about our Italian language school, Italian language courses, extra curricular activities in Tropea and other novelties from our programme.

... is waiting for you!

Do you want to learn Italian and stay with a nice family in Trieste?

from production to tasting

sports and language

opera lirica, prosa, balletti e concerti di musica classica...

Auguri dalla Piccola Università Italiana!

from 15 September to 8 October 2016

combined with professional Italian courses by the sea!

Why not learn to speak Italian and take a sailing course at the same time?

Masterclass from 1st to 15th August 2016

from VENICE + TREVISO airport!

Spring has already blossomed in Tropea!

Win a scholarship

Want to give a different kind of gift?

Who said you can't visit the beach in winter?

Come to Trieste and do an Italian course on Christmas!

Schedule for Opera and Ballet Season in Trieste

... one of the biggest sailing regattas in the world

Auguri dalla Piccola Università Italiana!

Italian language proficiency exams

Summer special course

con i simpatici pulcini

Schedule for Opera and Ballet Season in Trieste

Attend an Italian language class in Trieste .... from your home!

from now on directly with us!

a tutti i nostri amici, studenti, sostenitori e collaboratori!

Inscription deadline is October 15, 2014

from 1st to 4th of October

Italian language course in Italy + FREE PIZZA

A wildly romantic tradition!

Trieste in Triumpf!

Further education which stimulates creativity!

Book an Italian language course for the Easter holidays!

from now on directly with us!

Festival dates for 2014

Schedule for Opera and Ballet Season in Trieste

a tutti i nostri amici, studenti, sostenitori e collaboratori!

1 WEEK ITALIAN COURSE FOR FREE! Learn Italian for 4 weeks and only pay for 3 weeks!

Discover Trieste during the Christmas season!

Group courses start again on 3rd of March!

The building of our school in Trieste has been restored!

Buone notizie per gli studenti svizzeri e per i collegamenti internazionali!

Un esperienza magnifica...

The year 2013 will be a year full of EMOTIONS for the Piccola Università Italiana... celebrating the 20th anniversary!

Piccola Università Italiana becomes full member of IALC!

Vi facciamo gli auguri di BUONA PASQUA con un dolce tipico calabrese!

>> Non ti accorgevi di me <<

Auguriamo a tutti i nostri amici una Buona Pasqua!

Win a 2-weeks language course and a tailor-made suit!

On March 17, 2011 Italy turned 150 years!

Italian language and Italian culture are a deep cultural need in Russia

Come nasce la festa di San Valentino?

... with ideal leisure program - at the seaside and on the slopes

Our new video can be watched on youtube...

One of the top 20 most beautiful beaches in Europe is to be found in Tropea...

The blog is there to keep our former and future students up to date!

Jetzt schon an Weihnachten denken... Das perfekte Geschenk unterm Weihnachtsbaum ist lehrreich, sinnvoll und soll Spaß und Freude verbinden...

Die Studenten unserer Italienisch Sprachschule wurden diese Woche mit einem Livekonzert der Spitzenklasse bereichert... ein zusätzlicher Programmpunkt auf unserem wöchentlichen Kulturprogramm!

Jedes Jahr im September findet das Tropea Blues Festival statt. Eine Woche lang gratis "Open Air" Konzerte dargeboten von nationalen und internationalen Stars der Blues-, Jazz- und Soulszene...

All travel fans and young at heart seniors delve into the lanaguge, culture and history of Calabria. are you over 50 and prefer having a good time with people your own age who share similar interests?

Language study holiday: Morning Italian classes - Carefree afternoons on the beach! What could be more splendid than to be able to have an Italian class one moment, and to be sunbathing and swimming in the crystal clear waters of the Mediterranean, the next?

Students of the Minnesota State University - Mankato - USA are studying at the Piccola Università Italiana and receive 18 academic semester credits für die Teilnahme an unserem Italienisch Sprachkurs Programm.

Das perfekte Geschenk unterm diesjährigen Weihnachtsbaum. Italienisch Sprachkurse im warmen Süden Italiens sind der neue Trend im Weihnachtsfieber!

Italian language courses with an active cultural programme and selection of excursions are part of the framework of this unique kind of Italian lessons: Active Silver language courses.

Sign up, take part and learn Italian...

Ausflug nach Sizilien: Che bella giornata insieme...

Il corso d'Italiano è stato un sucesso per me e mi è piaciuto molto!

Die beste Art zu sagen, es hat uns sehr gut gefallen, ist wiederzukommen!

Wie schnell doch die Zeit vergeht...

semplicemente grazie...

Zu meinem letzten runden Geburtstag bekam ich von meinem Freund Ulli einen Italienischkurs geschenkt...

A Piccola Università Italiana não é, nem pode ser, uma escola como as outras...

A holiday of a different kind; langauge holidays in Calabria right by the sea....

Zwei Wochen Tropea waren Sprachferien am Meer, wie sie sein sollten...